Thursday 17 February 2011

Evaluating First Draft of Magazine

I was fairly pleased with how my first draft turned out as I thought it was suitable for the target audience I have aimed it at. I knew some parts of it needed altering and it wasn't at the standard I hoped to get it to when it's complete. I have decided that it would be best to start again with my cover as there are quite a few things I have planned to change. I am going to tone down the colours and make it more simplistic. I have also decided to change the fonts and not slant the cover lines. I am going to try and do this whilst still appealing to my younger target audience. For the time being I am going to keep the picture the same, however I might choose to change this also at a later date when it is complete as I will be able to judge better at this point if it works or not. I am also going to try and use the three colour rule more prominently.

I was not pleased with how the contents page turned out for my first draft. I realised even before getting my feedback that it was a very poor standard but I just needed more time to work on it to improve it. I am going to aim for a type of consistency through the 3 pages of the magazine and therefore, I am going to also start again with this page as I have better ideas than what was shown in my draft.

Double Page Spread:
This was the page I was most pleased with and this also showed through my feedback. I am going to take more pictures and vary the locations and poses on them for my final version. I will also choose a different font for the title as this didn't have the effect I intended it to. I had to shorten my interview as i couldn't fit it properly on the page but I was pleased with the way it turned out, however I am going to make the columns more even on the page.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Draft Magazine Double Page Spread

Draft Magazine Contents

Draft Magazine Cover


These are some layout and colour scheme tests I did on photoshop before deciding on my final cover and contents designs to help me get a better idea of which conventions suit the theme of my magazine well.


These are some of the photos I took for my magazine. They are mainly smiling poses as I think this style suits my genre and target audience best.

Target Audience

After my 25 word pitch, I chose to aim my maagzine at 15-18 year old girls. However, my feedback suggested to me that I should lower this so I changed it to 13-18 year old girls. Now I have produced my maagzine draft I have decided to alter this again to 12-15 year old girls.