Thursday 27 January 2011

Artist Profile

Double Page Spread Inspiration

I like the layout of this double page spread and the way that the title, article and picture have been positioned. I think the font used for the title is really effective and and I think the way different fonts have been used for a few letters makes it stand out and more eye catching. This is a technique I would consider using when I finalise my font choices. 

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Double Page Spread Inspiraition

I like the formal layout of this double page spread and how the picture and interview are evenly spread out. I will be using a question and answer stlye interview as my article and I like the way this is done here. I probably won't have such a long article as i don't think that would appeal to my target audience as the amount of reading may put them off. However, I will take inspiration from the overall layout.

Double Page Spread Inspiraition

In general, I don't particularly like this double page spread in terms of the kind of layout and content I am going to be using in  my magazine. However, I like the way in which the interview is layed out because I will be using a question and answer style interview, as has been done here. I like how the questions have been highlighted in a way that fits in with the colour scheme.

Similarly to the last one, I like the way the question and answer stlye interview has been layed out on this page.


Thursday 20 January 2011

Music Inspiration

Music Inspiration

Music Inspiration

Music Inspiration

This is another song that is linked to the genre of my magazine.


This music video is of a song currently at number 1 in the music charts.
Its is the type of music that will be featured in my magazine.


I found this contents page from an edition of NME magazine. I liked the colour scheme it used as I think it is really eye catching. The bright pink used immediately grabs the readers attention and this effect of using one key bright colour is something that I will consider and think about when I make my final Contents page and choose the colour scheme for it.

Contents Page Mock Up

Wednesday 19 January 2011


I found this magzine cover on the cover junkie website. It caught my eye as I think the bold pink used will be similar to one of the colours I want to use on my cover. I like the way in which it is put against plain and subtle colours in the background. I think it gives a professional and sophisticated effect and it is something I will consider when choosing my final colour scheme.

Thursday 13 January 2011


Evaluation of Class Feedback
Overall, I was very pleased with the feedback I received from my class mates after giving my 25 word pitch. The majority of the feedback said that my idea was good as I had chosen a different genre of music with my magazine being focused on current chart music. A couple of people advised me to consider the name of my magazine as they thought it didn’t link very well to the magazine genre and wouldn’t make it obvious what it was about. However, some other people said they liked the name and thought it was catchy. Based on this I have decided to stick to the name ‘Fresh’ for the time being as I personally like the name and I am going to try and make it link more to the pop music genre. The other main piece of advice that was a running theme through most pieces of my feedback was that I could perhaps lower my target audience age range. It is currently aimed at 15-18year old girls although people suggested that I could lower it to 13. I have thought about this and I agree that it would be appropriate based on my genre of music so my new target audience age range will be 13-18 year old girls.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

All Magazine Inspiration

Magazine Name

Colour Pallets


Audience Profile



Analysing Double Page Spreads

Analysing Contents Pages

Analysing Front Covers

Thursday 6 January 2011

25 Word Pitch

Target audience girls 15-18. Pink, blue, white colour scheme. Pop and R&B genre. Mid-shot photo on cover. Interview on double page spread. Name, Fresh.