Thursday 6 January 2011

25 Word Pitch

Target audience girls 15-18. Pink, blue, white colour scheme. Pop and R&B genre. Mid-shot photo on cover. Interview on double page spread. Name, Fresh.


  1. I think your magazine will be really popular as the genre mainly focuses on music that is in the charts and pop music which is what the target audience you're looking at listen to the most. However girls younger than 15 listen to the genre you're focusing on and if you change it you can target a wider audience.

  2. I like how you have used a bright colour scheme to match with the pop genre of your magazine and that you have thought about the type of image that will be on your cover. With your magazine you would need to make sure it is obvious that it is a music magazine as the name 'Fresh' may not indicate this to the audience.

  3. I like the title of your magazine as I think it relates well to the genre of new music. The target audience is realistic as the colour scheme, title and genre appeals more to a female audience, but I think that you could target a younger audience. I think that the idea is quite unique, because although it's the trend to listen to music in the charts, there are not many magazines that focus on that whereas your's does, which is why I think that it will be successful.

  4. i like your magazine title of fresh as it is quite catchy. you've followed conventions with three colours, which will make it more simplistic. i think your target audience could be aimed at 13 - 18 year old girls and it could well be successful.

  5. This is different to everyone else's ideas as you've focused on a younger audience with a 'pop' approach to the music industry. I think it would be very successful, as there have been ones like it in the 90's and early 00's, it would be bringing the charts back around through a magazine. :)

  6. (Katie & Guy) :)
    i like the colourscheme of your magazine. however do you think that the audience should be a wider age range? i like the idea of a midshot on the front cover you could perhaps add some inhanced colour of the picture. With such a little age range it may be harder to sell, i think it's suitable for ages as young as 13.

  7. Really like what you have chosen to call your magazine and believe that it goes really well with the music and target audience you have chosen.
