Thursday 24 March 2011

7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From looking at my preliminary task and my final magazine, I am quite proud of the progression I made. The preliminary pages are very basic and don’t look like a real magazine at all. Especially on the contents page, I think it's clear that I have made a lot of progress in terms of my creativity and Photoshop skills.
I now have a better understanding of all sorts of things related to Photoshop and how to make things look better. I also now know what sorts of colours look good together and how the three colour rule is very effective on magazine covers. On my preliminary cover, I did have all the conventional elements I needed, but they were of a low and basic level and far from the final product I wanted to achieve.
I have chosen a different camera shot on the final and preliminary covers, I thought the one i chose for my final cover looked more appropriate for the style of magazine and was more effective in terms of lighting and grabbing the reader’s attention. 
The progress from my preliminary task to my final magazine has also pointed out to me the importance of research and inspiration. When I created my preliminary, I hadn't done any sort of research so I didn't really have any ideas or inspiration to base it on. However, before I created my final magazine, I did a lot of research into all sorts of things incorporated in the magazine, including; colours, fonts, music genre and current magazine layouts. I feel that this is one of the major aspects that helped me to improve my creativity skills.
Overall, I am very pleased with the progress I have made since the preliminary school magazine. 

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